Save Yourself Some Heavy Lifting

One thing that many brides/grooms, host/hostesses forget is the amount of supplies that you'll need to bring to the venue.  Boxes of favors, programs, menus, escort cards, etc. stack up very quickly and can be a BIG hassle to transport in the busy days just before the event .  Our solution?  Have as many things shipped directly to your venue as possible.  Be sure to check with your venue that shipping things ahead of time is ok with them and ensure that you address them as:  Jane Hostess, c/o Venue Name, 111 First Street, New York, NY

 By shipping them "Care of" (c/o) the venue you'll ensure that they know who the boxes belong to.  Always confirm that your supplies are kept in a secured area where there's no chance of them being stolen.  Save yourself some time and stress by having things shipped straight to your venue!


Sarah Pease3 Comments